
Contains small helper classes used as abstraction for various templating macros.

Module Contents



Represents a link rendered in a template.


Implements a the qr code link that shows a modal with the QrCode.


Represents a link rendered in a template.


Represents a link rendered in a template.

Bases: _Base

Represents a link rendered in a template.

__slots__ = ('active', 'attributes', 'classes', 'model', 'request_method', 'subtitle', 'text', 'url')[source]
__eq__(other: object) bool[source]

Return self==value.

__call__(request: ChameleonLayout | CoreRequest, extra_classes: Iterable[str] | None = None) bytes[source]

Renders the element.

Bases: onegov.core.elements.Link

Implements a the qr code link that shows a modal with the QrCode. Thu url is sent to the qr endpoint url which generates the image and sends it back.

id = 'qr_code_link'[source]
__slots__ = ('active', 'attributes', 'classes', 'text', 'url', 'title')[source]
__repr__() str[source]

Return repr(self).

Bases: Link

Represents a link rendered in a template.

Bases: DeleteLink

Represents a link rendered in a template.